A Life's journey of a simple man

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Sunday, September 26, 2010

Personal Financing (The Intro)

Posted by Tarun Kumar | Sunday, September 26, 2010 | Category: |

Hi Guys, Its been a quite a long time since i visited my blog. Sorry for the delayed updates. After all, as a human being i do have certain responsibilities right?? Well, Thank GOD i have some time to spare and now here i'm back with what i love to do - blogging!!

Well, i have discussed about a stuff like job interviews and tips for securing desired jobs and also my view of how we should respect our nation's independence. Now i'm gonna talk about a topic where all existing human beings will come across the moment they start to work and earning monthly incomes - PERSONAL FINANCING.
Basically, what is personal financing?? Well, personal financing is all about managing the money that is coming into our pockets (or more specifically our bank accounts) efficiently and finding the ways to double our money to have a better future for us, and our families. The basic success of Personal Financing is following the mantra known as - "More Saving, Less Spending". Many people always think that saving money is easy. But to be honest, it is easier said than done.

First of all, i'm not a financial guru when it comes to personal financing..Hell, i even had a dilemma to decide whether or not to buy my favorite football club jersey for RM200 ringgit!!!(i finally decided to go for a pasar malam type of jersey which cost me only RM30..lolzz). But then again, as times goes by, i'm starting to learn the art of saving money and as they said - "Knowledge is sharing", I'm gonna share with u guys some basic facts and tips on how to plan and stabilize your financial source. As with the Job Interview series, I'm also gonna divide this topic into three major parts which are as follows:

PART 1 -> This section mainly describes on how to avoid common money-spending decisions
PART 2 -> This section mainly describes on analyzing your spending and how to keep control of it
PART 3 -> This section mainly describes on how to trim your taxes and what Income taxes basically,

Before starting this series, Please note that i'm no financial guru as i'm a novice too. I just felt to share what i know about money spending with you guyz.. For better knowledge, I personally recommended the book "Personal Financing for Dummies" which is a good book for beginners. Even some of the knowledge i have right now is based on this book which i have read during my leisure. Well until next time, see ya guyz!!!..:)

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